Another month of gains in the stock markets recovered more of January losses. The S&P and Dow Industrial stock indices averaged 2.5% for the month and 9.5% from a year ago. All markets are still negative year-to-date. All stock market sectors rose in March with major contributing sectors including health care, utilities, and real estate. Bonds remain negative for the month and over the past year.
Ukraine must win this war. It is the only way a stable peace can be achieved for all western democracies. The harrowing evidence of atrocities left by the retreating Russian army will redouble Ukraine’s resistance. The support of the rest of the western nations to supply what Ukraine needs, and stronger sanctions to continue to weaken Russia’s financial reserves to wage prolonged war, seem critical now for the future stability of our world and economies. We have a chance to support a courageous David and leave a treacherous Goliath in ruins.
The early morning ebullience of the robin greeting the day in song personifies spring to me. Snowdrops and crocus, forsythia and daffodils, each add color to repel the drab of winter. Nothing tugs at the heart like the song of the robin in April. Irrepressible cheer. That’s what we’ve been waiting for.